We love getting your feedback

We want to know what is working well, and what may need improving. Anyone can leave feedback including patients, carers and their families. By telling your stories and views you are helping improve our services for everyone.

There are lots of ways that you can give feedback. These include:

Telling your story

Share your views about Trust services using the Care Opinion website. Your story will be anonymous. The feedback will be shared and responded to by the staff who run these services.

Please click on the link for the service you are using: 

You can also tell your story by calling this number for free: 0800 122 31 35

The Friends and Family Test (FFT)

If you receive care or treatment from the NHS you may be asked to complete this questionnaire. You will be asked what was good, bad and your experience. You may be given a form to complete or sent a text or email.

Complaints and Compliments

We recognise that things may not always go the way we would like. Raise a concern, make a complaint, or give a compliment. You can call 01905 681517, email WHCNHS.PALS@nhs.net or visit their website.