Group resources and workbooks
This page is dedicated to you; here you will find presentations, work books, links and videos to support you through your journey with us. You can also complete your questionnaires securely.
If you experience any problems using this facility or require any of these resources in an alternative format, please contact your service by calling the number on your NHS letter.
Improving Mood course
The following resources are designed to download and open within the corresponding software. If you require this information in an alternative format please let the clinician delivering your course know.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Overcoming Stress and Anxiety course
Week 1
- Overcoming Stress & Anxiety - Week 1 workbook [Microsoft Word]
- Overcoming Stress & Anxiety - Week 1 presentation [PowerPoint]
Week 2
- Overcoming Stress & Anxiety - Week 2 workbook [Microsoft Word]
- Overcoming Stress & Anxiety - Week 2 presentation [PowerPoint]
Week 3
- Overcoming Stress & Anxiety - Week 3 workbook [Microsoft Word]
- Overcoming Stress & Anxiety - Week 3 presentation [PowerPoint]
Week 4
- Overcoming Stress & Anxiety - Week 4 workbook [Microsoft Word]
- Overcoming Stress & Anxiety - Week 4 presentation [PowerPoint]
Week 5
- Overcoming Stress & Anxiety - Week 5 workbook [Microsoft Word]
- Overcoming Stress & Anxiety - Week 5 presentation [PowerPoint]
Week 6
Calming Anxiety and Boosting Mood
What is it?
The Calming Anxiety and Boosting Mood (CABM) course is an educational course run by within a group setting. The course will help you to learn skills and techniques to help understand and overcome low mood, anxiety and panic.
What does the programme involve?
The course consists of six weekly sessions lasting two hours. The sessions do involve some group discussions, however, it is up to you how much or little you wish to share. You will be expected to practice your learning between sessions as part of the CBT approach in order to get the full benefit of the course.
How will this help me?
The course will help you to improve your understanding of low mood and/or anxiety and learn skills and techniques to help manage these.
Who runs the sessions?
Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWPs) will work alongside you to use a proven approach called ‘Guided Self-Help’.
Please note: There are 6 sessions within each course, ALL courses and groups will be run online via video conferencing until further notice. If course spaces are not filled they may have to be cancelled.
Week 1
Week 2
Resource pack
PDF documents
- Fight or Flight
- Grounding Techniques
- Grounding Techniques 2
- Linen Cupboard Metaphor
- Properties of Trauma Memories
- PTSD and the Brain
- Responses to Threat - Fight Flight Freeze Appease
Audio recordings
Patient Questionnaire
Please ensure you complete the patient questionnaire prior to each session.